Terms and conditions
This site is the property of:
Via Vettorazzi and Bisol 4, 31049 Valdobbiadene Italy
P.IVA: 02248500262
Tel: +39 0423 901055
Fax: +39 0423 901066
E.mail: info@colesel.it
These Terms of Sale (from here to simply "General Conditions") govern the sale of products marketed by Colesel Spumanti S.R.L. (from here forward, for brevity, simply "colesel") through the colesel.it website (from here forward "site"). All the purchase contracts of products concluded through the aforementioned site will be regulated by these General Conditions (according to Italian law and in particular to Legislative Decree 70/2003 implementation of Directive 2000/31 / EC on e-commerce and at Legislative Decree 206/2005 with specific reference to the legislation on remote contracts).
Any changes or new sales conditions will be promptly reported to the customer, they will be effective from the time of their publication on the site and will be applied to sales only concluded to publication.
All the published prices of intend to include VAT.
Acceptance and sales conditions
The contract stipulated between Colesel and the customer must be considered concluded with the acceptance of the order by Colesel which, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to accept the order. Acceptance is considered tacit, if not otherwise communicated with any method to the customer.
By placing an order, in the various modalities envisaged, the customer declares to have read all the indications provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the General Conditions transcribed.
Once the online purchase procedure is completed, the customer will print, or save a copy to electronic support, or otherwise to keep the following general conditions.
Purchase method
The customer can only buy the products in the electronic catalog available at the site at the time of the order of the order, as described in the relevant information sheets.
The technical information reported on the Site faithfully reproduce those of goods entered in the catalog. Colesel reserves the right to change the technical information information, without the need for any notice. The photographic representations with the descriptive card of a product may not perfectly represent its characteristics, differ in color, size, and / or accessories products in the figure.
The recognition of a contractual and / or non-contractual responsibility is excluded, and with it the right to compensation or compensation, for damage caused to persons and / or things following a failure to accept the order, even partial, by Colesel ;
All purchase support information is intended as a simple generic information material.
The correct receipt of the order is confirmed by Colesel through an e-mail response sent to the email address previously indicated by the customer. This confirmation message will report the date and time of receipt of the order, a customer code 'identifier of the order that must be used for any further communication with Colesel and all the data entered by the customer at the time of the order. The customer, with reference to the latter, undertakes to verify its correctness and to promptly communicate any corrections with the procedures that will be indicated in this document.
In the event of failure to accept the order, Colesel will promptly notify the customer by e-mail to the e-mail address previously indicated by this.
All prices on the site are to be understood to the public and, therefore, including VAT. Colesel reserves the right to change prices at any time, without prior notice. In the event that an incorrect and / or clearly unresolved price is published, for any reason, the order will be canceled, even in the event of an initial validation.
Shipping costs are provided for € 13.00.
The possibility of contemporary access of multiple users to the site and to perform more "online" orders at the same time could quickly change the availability of the product; Colesel, therefore, does not guarantee the actual availability of the ordered goods as well in the event that it comes, at the time of order, indicated as "available". Colesel, if for these reasons the product does not be available, although otherwise indicated at the time of the order, will promptly notify the customer by e-mail to the e-mail address from this indicated at the time of the order.
On certain products, the subject of price promotions, Colesel reserves the right to accept orders by reducing the quantities, subject to communication and acceptance by the customer, in the default of which the order must be considered canceled.
The customer can purchase the products on the site using the different forms of payment indicated in the purchase procedure. Any additional costs related to a certain payment method will be explicitly highlighted during the purchase procedure.
Colesel delivers its products through specialized couriers. The products within 3-5 working days from receipt of the order will come from Colesel entrusted to the specialized courier.
The shipping costs generally are charged to the customer and are specifically indicated when the order is actuated.
Upon receipt of the goods, the customer is obliged to verify their integrity and, if he had doubts about the integrity of the same, he must indicate it to the delivery receipt.
The customer will take 10 working days from receipt to verify the integrity of the goods and to communicate any damage to Colesel to the e-mail address info@colesel.it. Colesel will reimburse the customer within 10 working days from communication.
If the customer is a consumer (ie a natural person who buys the goods for extraneous purposes to the business, commercial, artisanal or professional activity, possibly carried out) has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without any penalty and without any obligation to specify its reasons, within 14 working days from the acquisition of the physical possession of the goods.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must send a written communication to Coleseel by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt containing clear and expressed will to exercise this right, however manifested. The communication may be sent, within the same term, also by telegram, e-mail and fax, provided it is confirmed by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the forty-eight successive hours. The communication must also be indicated the bank details necessary to return the amounts paid in addition to the "customer code" identifying the order carried out. Colesel will send to the customer via e-mail (at the e-mail address indicated by the customer at the time of registration or the actuation of the order - except in the case in which it is expressly from the customer indicated for this purpose, in the first communication, one Different) A paper module containing the authorization number to the withdrawal that must be printed and be attached to the outside of the casing where the product will be physically placed. Everything must be sent, with shipping costs exclusively to the customer and within 14 working days, at the address that there will be indicated.
The right applies to the product purchased in its entirety, since it is not possible to exercise withdrawal only on part of the product purchased.
The property purchased must be intact and returned in its original packaging, complete in all its parts (including packaging and possible documentation).
The shipment, up to the certificate of receipt by Colesel, is under the completion of the customer; In case of damage to the good during transport, timely communication will be given to the customer of the incident (within 5 working days from receipt of the good by Colesel), in order to allow him to protrude timely complaint against the courier he chosen and obtaining the refund of the value of the good (if insured); In this eventuality, the product will be made available to the customer, at the same time by canceling the request for withdrawal; Colesel does not respond in any way for damage, theft or loss of goods returned with unauthorized shipping;
Exercised the right of withdrawal, Colesel will reimburse the customer the full amount already paid, as soon as possible and in any case within 14 days of receipt of the withdrawal communication, subject to receipt of the goods subject to the withdrawal, through the transfer of Dell Dell 'Amount charged to the credit card or by bank transfer. In the latter case, it will take care of the customer promptly provide bank details on which to obtain refund (COD. ABI - CAB - current account of the invoice holder). The customer will be reimbursed all payments made in favor of Colesel, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs arising from its possible choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery from us offered).
If the goods have suffered a decrease in the value due to a non-diligent use, in the event of a right of withdrawal, the consumer will be held responsible for the least value. The costs and risks of transport for return are fully charged to the customer.
In the event of decadence of the right of withdrawal Colesel will return the purchased good to the sender, charging the shipping costs itself.
All products marketed by Colesel are covered by the legal guarantee of conformity pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 206/2005. To take advantage of the warranty, the customer will have to keep the invoice (or the DDT) that will receive together with the goods purchased. The customer can always download invoices related to his purchases, accessing the appropriate area of the site.
In the presence of a conformity vice, the consumer has the right, at his choice, to the repair or replacement of the defective good by the seller, without charge of expenses in both cases, unless the remedy required is objectively impossible or excessively expensive respect Other. If replacement or repair are not possible or excessively onerous, the consumer has the right to a reasonable reduction in the price or termination of the contract.
The legal guarantee of conformity lasted two years after the delivery of the asset and must be asserted by the consumer, under penalty of decline, within two months of the date on which the vice has discovered.
In case of Contesto Colesel we commit to:
take over the defective product to check whether the malfunction depends on a conformity vice. In particular: (i) for defects that occur in the first six months from the date of delivery of the product the verification is always borne by the seller As it is assumed that existed at the time of delivery; (ii) subsequently, in the only case in which the malfunction does not depend on a conformity vice, the consumer can be requested the reimbursement of the reasonable and previously indicated that the seller claimed for verification;
Received the conformity vice, carry out the repair or the replacement of the good within a reasonable time from the request and without charge of consumer costs.
The personal data requested during the order of the order are collected by Colesel and processed on computer supports, in order to satisfy the obligations arising from the contract concluded with the Customer and will under no circumstances and no qualification sold to third parties. Colesel guarantees its customers compliance with the legislation on the processing of personal data, governed by the privacy code referred to in Legislative Decree no. 196/2003. Data data controller is Colesel, Via Vettorazzi and Bisol 4, 31049 Valdobbiadene Italy, in the person who from time to time has the legal representation, unless a manager is appointed pursuant to art. 29 of D.Lgs. n. 196/2003. At the customer, at any time, the right to revoke the consent to the processing of personal data with written communication to be sent to the Return office of Colesel. To the customer, who declares to have received the information pursuant to art. 13 and on the rights to the same, pursuant to art. 7 of D.Lg. N. 196/2003, has the right to access its data according to the methods foreseen. Marketing communications will be sent only by explicit customer consent issued together with the treatment and sending authorization in the online registration form.
Protection of minors
Colesel does not sell wine or other alcoholic products to children under the age of 18 pursuant to Law 8 November 2012 n. 189. The courier will not deliver wine or other alcohol products to children under the years and may request an identity document in order to verify its age.
Any complaint must be addressed in writing to Colesel, Colesel, Via Vettorazzi and Bisol 4, 31049 Valdobbiadene Italy or by e-mail to info@colesel.it.
Jurisdiction and applicable law
The sales contract between the customer and Coleseel means concluded in Italy and regulated by Italian law. For the solution of civil and criminal controversies deriving from the conclusion of this remote sales contract, if the customer is a consumer, territorial jurisdiction is that of the reference hole of its municipality of residence; In all other cases the territorial competence is exclusively that of the Court of Treviso.

PergolTre60, the panoramic terrace on the Cartizza, an exclusive garden above the Colesel cellar
Colesel calls its exclusive terrace on the "Pergoltre60" cartridge: the "Pergol" is the dialectal version of the terrace, "Tre60" wants to highlight that the panorama and the landscape is seen at 360 degrees and offers a unique and complete view of ours Territory.
The terrace is located above the winemaking cellar, born and completed in 2019, then the concept of creating a place that unites the strong link with the territory with the sharing of this with customers, visitors and tourists is born.
The Pergoltre60 was born, the panoramic terrace on the cartizes, an exclusive garden above the Colesel cellar.

On the left the Colesel hill and the Cartizze, on the right the DOCG and in front, looking up, the Tridik, the highest vineyard, dominates; here the vineyards and nature create this fantastic natural setting.
Below is the winemaking cellar where the grapes are processed and the sparkling wine bases for all Colesel selections are created.
A garden created for Hospitality for tastings and guided tours, for corporate and private events, to fully breathe the Colesel philosophy of this great link between history and tradition, respect for nature, modernity and applied technology.
To organize your event or corporate meeting contact us at visite@colesel.com or call us +39 0423 901055.
Follow us on social media for all our events on PergolTre60:
Instagram: @coleselspumanti
Facebook: Colesel Sparkling Wines